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Adapalene Gel

Adapalene Gel

Product Details:


Price And Quantity

  • 100 Piece
  • 55 INR

Trade Information

  • ST
  • Cheque
  • 100 Piece Per Day
  • 1 Months
  • Free samples are available
  • Africa, Asia
  • All India
  • FDA

Product Description

NIKSAN HEALTHCARE Is State Of Art, FDCA, ISO 9001: 2015, WHO, GMP, GLP Certified FacilityTo Develop And Manufacture Highly Quality Pharmaceutical Finished Formulations.Niksan Healthcare Is Manufacturer, Exporter, Suppliers, Distributor, Trader AndDealer Of High Quality Pharmaceutical Tablets, Capsules, Gels, Creams,Ointments, Syrups, Suspensions, Injection, Pellets, Nasal Sprays, Lotions,Shampoo, Face wash, Hand wash, Hand Sanitizer, Veterinary Medicines, Dry PowderIn Pouch Pack, Surgical And Medicated Soaps.

NIKSAN HEALTHCARE Is AnExcellent Combination Of World Class State Of Art Manufacturing, F & D, R& D, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Marketing And In Depth ManagementExpertise. We Are Manufacturer, Exporter, Suppliers, Distributor, Trader andDealer of High Quality Pharmaceutical Finished Formulations. The ValuesInspiring All Our Work Are Excellence And Highly Effectiveness.

NIKSAN HEALTHCARE Works toImprove Patients Quality Of Life And To Respond To Their Potential Needs. WeCarefully Select Our Partners In Order To Maintain Highest Standards InTechnology, Competence, Reliability And Competitiveness.

NIKSAN HEALTHCARE is well established pharmaceuticalmanufacturer in a field of Pharmaceutical formulation for ADAPALENE GEL 0.1%15GM. We are manufacturer, exporter and supplier of a huge stock of ADAPALENEGEL 0.1% 15GM in Ankleshwar, Gujarat, India. Our offered ADAPALENE GEL0.1% 15GM is widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all-roundthe nation.We offer ADAPALENE GEL 0.1% 15GM most affordable prices.

NIKSAN HEALTHCARE is manufacturing andexporting ADAPALENE GEL 0.1% 15GM from last many year in all over Indian states Like Meghalaya, Tamilnadu,Goa, Sikkim, Assam, Punjab, Delhi, Bihar, Kerala, Gujarat, Haryana, Rajasthan,Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Jammu Kashmir Etc.

HEALTHCARE is one of the top supplierand exporter as well as manufacturer of in countries like Bangladesh, Nigeria, Nepal, Ghana, Puerto Rico, Kenya,Philippines, Pakistan, United States, Australia, Lebanon, Ireland, New Zealand,Iraq, Canada, Hungary, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Serbia, United Kingdom,Vietnam, Dominican Republic, South Africa, Egypt, Germany, Czechia, Austria,Slovakia, Switzerland, Singapore, Denmark, Romania, Ecuador, Israel, Portugal,Malaysia, Peru, Hong Kong, Croatia, Norway, Sweden, Indonesia, Turkey, Taiwan,Saudi Arabia, Greece, South Korea, Italy, Iran, Mexico, Colombia, Spain,Brazil, Poland, Netherlands, Belgium, Argentina, Chile, China, France, Russia,Japan and many more countries.

This product is available in lami tubepackaging.


This medicine contains Adapalene as activeingredients.

Adapalene is ina class of medications called retinoid-like compounds.

This medication isused to treat acne.

It works byaffecting the growth of cells and decreasing swelling andinflammation.

It maydecrease the number and severity of acne pimples andpromote quick healing of pimples that do develop.

Common Side Effects

Skin redness, 




Mild burning,

Worsening ofacne. 

HOW TO USE:Gel should be applied to the affected area once daily (in theevening just before bedtime) by applying a thin film of the gel onto the skin. Wash and dry thewhole area to be treated before applying the gel/cream. If the skin is greasy, you may consider using a mild skin cleansingagent.

PRECAUTIONS: Before using the medication tell your doctorif you are allergic to it. Tell your doctor if you have any problem. Do not usethis medicine if you are having open wounds.

STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store in cool and dry place, away fromdirect heat and light. Do not place in bathroom or kitchen. Keep away from thechildren and pet.


ADAPALENE GEL 0.1%w/w approved by CDSCO in india in 15/03/2001.







NOTE: Productsprotected by valid patents are not offered for sale in countries where the saleof such products constitutes a patent infringement and its liability is atbuyer's risk.


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