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Lafutidine 10Mg Tablets

Lafutidine 10Mg Tablets

Product Details:

  • Drug Type General Medicines
  • Ingredients LAFUTIDINE
  • Physical Form Tablets
  • Function Other
  • Recommended For ALLERGY
  • Dosage 10
  • Dosage Guidelines 3
  • Supply Ability : 100 Box Per Day
  • Click to view more

Price And Quantity

  • 100 Box
  • 270 INR

Product Specifications

  • Other
  • 25
  • Aged Person
  • General Medicines
  • 3
  • 10
  • 10 Unit
  • Tablets

Trade Information

  • ST
  • Cheque
  • 100 Box Per Day
  • 1 Months
  • Within a certain price range free samples are available
  • Africa, Middle East, Asia
  • All India
  • FDA

Product Description

NIKSANHEALTHCARE Is State Of Art, FDCA, ISO 9001: 2015, WHO, GMP, GLP Certified FacilityTo Develop And Manufacture Highly Quality Pharmaceutical Finished Formulations.Niksan Healthcare Is Manufacturer, Exporter, Suppliers, Distributor, Trader AndDealer Of High Quality Pharmaceutical Tablets, Capsules, Gels, Creams,Ointments, Syrups, Suspensions, Injection, Pellets, Nasal Sprays, Lotions,Shampoo, Face wash, Hand wash, Hand Sanitizer, Veterinary Medicines, Dry PowderIn Pouch Pack, Surgical And Medicated Soaps.

NIKSAN HEALTHCARE Is An Excellent Combination Of World ClassState Of Art Manufacturing, F & D, R & D, Quality Control, QualityAssurance, Marketing And In Depth Management Expertise. We Are Manufacturer,Exporter, Suppliers, Distributor, Trader and Dealer of High QualityPharmaceutical Finished Formulations. The Values Inspiring All Our Work AreExcellence And Highly Effectiveness.

NIKSAN HEALTHCARE Works to Improve Patients Quality Of LifeAnd To Respond To Their Potential Needs. We Carefully Select Our Partners InOrder To Maintain Highest Standards In Technology, Competence, Reliability AndCompetitiveness.

NIKSANHEALTHCARE is giant group of  pharmaceuticalmanufacturer in a field of Pharmaceutical formulation LAFUTIDINE10 MG TABLETS. We aremanufacturer, exporter and supplier of a huge LAFUTIDINE 10 MGTABLETSin Ankleshwar, Gujarat, India. Ouroffered LAFUTIDINE 10 MG TABLETSiswidely appreciated by our clients which are situated all-round the nation.  We Provide LAFUTIDINE 10 MGTABLETS at most affordable prices.

NIKSANHEALTHCARE is manufacturing and exporting LAFUTIDINE 10 MGTABLETSfrom last many year in all over Indian states Like Meghalaya, Tamilnadu,Goa, Sikkim, Assam, Punjab, Delhi, Bihar, Kerala, Gujarat, Haryana, Rajasthan,Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Jammu Kashmir Etc.

HEALTHCAREis large supplier and exporter aswell as manufacturer of in SouthKorea, Egypt, USA, Japan, Taiwan, UAE, Greece, Indonesia, Uruguay, Thailand,Bolivia, Egypt, Venezuela, Iran, Romania, Ecuador, Hong Kong, Pakistan, Peru, Spain, Turkey, Siberia, Iran, Italy,Vietnam, Germany,  Brazil, Philippines,Argentina, Honduras, Columbia, Bulgaria, South Korea, Mexico, Chile, Poland,Hungary, Ireland, Malaysia, Austria, Sweden, Canada, Australia, United kingdom,Ukraine, Russia, France and many more countries.

Thisproducts available in different packaging style AluAlu, Pvc Blister and BottlePacking etc.


Lafutidine is a2nd generation histamine Hâ‚‚ receptor antagonist. 

It has multimodalmechanism of action and used to treat gastrointestinal disorders.

Lafutidine hasbeen found to block the attachement of H. pylori with the gastric cells.

This medicine isused to prevent peptic ulcer.

It is used intreatment of ulcers of the stomach and the small intestine (duodenum)Conditions where the stomach lining is disrupted.

CommonSide Effects

Enlargement ofbreasts in men (gynaecomastia)

Liver problems(jaundice - yellowing of the skin, and eyes)

High uric acidlevels in the blood (hyperuricemia)

Feeling unrealthings to be real (hallucinations)

Decreased hunger


HOWTO USE: Take themedicine by mouth before taking the meals and at the bed time. Do not take overdose this may cause side effects. Take your doctor’s advice if you have anyconfusion about taking of dose.




Lafutidine absorbed in the small intestine,and binds with the histamine H2 receptors.The half life of Lafutidine isbetween 1.92+/- 0.94 hours.The 25-30 % of Lafutidine is eliminated by theurination and remaining done by feces.


Precautions: Do not give medicationto children below 12 years.This medicine only used when it is clearly needed.



STORAGECONDITIONS:Store in a room temperature away from direct heatand light.

Keepaway from children and pets. Do not put medication in bathroom or any humidplace.



LafutidineTablets 10mg approved by CDSCO in India in 16.11.09.








NOTE: Products protected byvalid patents are not offered for sale in countries where the sale of suchproducts constitutes a patent infringement and its liability is at buyer'srisk.


* Tips on getting accurate quotes. Please include product name, order quantity, usage, special requests if any in your inquiry.

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