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Isosorbide Mononitrate 10 Mg Tablets

Isosorbide Mononitrate 10 Mg Tablets

Product Details:

  • Drug Type General Medicines
  • Physical Form Tablets
  • Function Other
  • Recommended For BP
  • Dosage 10
  • Dosage Guidelines 3
  • Supply Ability : 100 Box Per Day
  • Click to view more

Price And Quantity

  • 215 INR
  • 100 Box

Product Specifications

  • Tablets
  • 25
  • Aged Person
  • General Medicines
  • 10
  • BP
  • 10 Unit
  • 3
  • Other

Trade Information

  • ST
  • Cheque
  • 100 Box Per Day
  • 1 Months
  • Within a certain price range free samples are available
  • ALUALU 10X10
  • Africa, Middle East, Asia
  • All India
  • FDA

Product Description

NIKSAN HEALTHCARE Is State Of Art, FDCA, ISO9001: 2015, WHO, GMP, GLP Certified Facility To Develop And Manufacture HighlyQuality Pharmaceutical Finished Formulations. Niksan Healthcare IsManufacturer, Exporter, Suppliers, Distributor, Trader And Dealer Of HighQuality Pharmaceutical Tablets, Capsules, Gels, Creams, Ointments, Syrups,Suspensions, Injection, Pellets, Nasal Sprays, Lotions, Shampoo, Face wash,Hand wash, Hand Sanitizer, Veterinary Medicines, Dry Powder In Pouch Pack,Surgical And Medicated Soaps.

NIKSAN HEALTHCARE Is An Excellent Combination Of World Class State OfArt Manufacturing, F & D, R & D, Quality Control, Quality Assurance,Marketing And In Depth Management Expertise. We Are Manufacturer, Exporter,Suppliers, Distributor, Trader and Dealer of High Quality PharmaceuticalFinished Formulations. The Values Inspiring All Our Work Are Excellence AndHighly Effectiveness.

NIKSAN HEALTHCARE Works to Improve Patients Quality Of Life And ToRespond To Their Potential Needs. We Carefully Select Our Partners In Order ToMaintain Highest Standards In Technology, Competence, Reliability AndCompetitiveness.

NIKSANHEALTHCARE is leading pharmaceutical manufacturer in a field of Pharmaceuticalformulation ISOSORBIDE MONONITRATE 10 MG TABLETS. We are manufacturer,exporter and supplier of a huge ISOSORBIDE MONONITRATE 10 MG TABLETS inAnkleshwar, Gujarat, India. Our offered ISOSORBIDE MONONITRATE 10 MG TABLETSis widely appreciated by our clients which are situated all-round the nation.  We Provide ISOSORBIDE MONONITRATE 10 MGTABLETS at NIKSANHEALTHCARE is manufacturing and exporting ISOSORBIDE MONONITRATE 10 MGTABLETS from last many year in all overIndian states Like Meghalaya, Tamilnadu, Goa, Sikkim, Assam, Punjab, Delhi,Bihar, Kerala, Gujarat, Haryana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh,Rajasthan, Karnataka, Jammu Kashmir Etc.

HEALTHCARE is main supplier and exporter aswell as manufacturer of in countries likePhilippines, United Arab Emirates, Ireland,Pakistan, United Kingdom, India, Malaysia, Australia, Iraq, Lithuania, Jordan,Vietnam, Egypt, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong ,Netherlands, Taiwan,Latvia, Kenya, Hungary, Thailand, Slovakia, France, South Korea, Canada,Greece, Myanmar (Burma), Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Singapore, , Israel, Romania, NewZealand, Poland, United States, South Africa, Morocco, Belgium, Indonesia,Iran, Sweden, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Spain, Russia, Japan, Brazil and manymore countries.

Thisproducts available in different packaging style AluAlu, Pvc Blister and BottlePacking etc.


Isonazidemononitratecomes under class of nitrate.

Isosorbidemononitrateis used to prevent chest pain (angina) in patients with a certain heartcondition.

It works by relaxingblood vessels so blood can blood flow more easily to heart.

Isosorbidemononitrateis a medication used for heart-related chest pain, heart failure, andesophageal spasms.

It is used in both toprevent and treat angina attack and chest pain.

Common SideEffects

A Feeling Of Pins AndNeedles On Skin.



Low Blood Pressure.


OrthostaticHypotension, A Form Of Low Blood Pressure.

HOW TO USE: Take the medicine by mouth before taking themeals and at the bed time. Do not take over dose this may cause side effects. Takeyour doctor’s advice if you have any confusion about taking of dose.

Absorption: Oral form is well absorbed from the GItract but undergoes first-pass metabolism, resulting in bioavailability ofabout 100% (depending on dosage form used).

Limited information is available on plasma protein-bindingand distribution of drug. Like nitroglycerin, it’s distributed widelythroughout the body.

Metabolism: Metabolized in the liver to active metabolites.

Excretion: Metabolites are excreted in the urine.

Precautions: Contraindicatedin patients hypersensitive to drug, in patients with idiosyncratic reactions tonitrates, and in patients with severe hypotension, shock, or acute MI with lowleft ventricular filling pressure. STORAGECONDITIONS:Storein a room temperature away from direct heat and light.

Keep away fromchildren and pets. Do not put medication in bathroom or any humid place.


ISOSORBIDE MONONITRATE 10 MG TABLETS approved in india in 1967 October.







NOTE: Products protected by valid patents arenot offered for sale in countries where the sale of such products constitutes apatent infringement and its liability is at buyer's risk.


* Tips on getting accurate quotes. Please include product name, order quantity, usage, special requests if any in your inquiry.

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