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Disulfiram 250Mg Tablets

Disulfiram 250Mg Tablets

Product Details:

  • Drug Type General Medicines
  • Ingredients DISULFIRAM
  • Physical Form Tablets
  • Function Other
  • Recommended For BP
  • Dosage 10
  • Dosage Guidelines 3
  • Supply Ability : 100 Box Per Day
  • Click to view more

Price And Quantity

  • 635 INR
  • 100 Box

Product Specifications

  • General Medicines
  • 10 Unit
  • 25
  • Other
  • 3
  • 10
  • Tablets
  • BP
  • Aged Person

Trade Information

  • ST
  • Cheque
  • 100 Box Per Day
  • 1 Months
  • Within a certain price range free samples are available
  • ALUALU 10X10
  • Africa, Middle East, Asia
  • All India
  • FDA

Product Description

NIKSAN HEALTHCARE Is State Of Art, FDCA, ISO9001: 2015, WHO, GMP, GLP Certified Facility To Develop And Manufacture HighlyQuality Pharmaceutical Finished Formulations. Niksan Healthcare IsManufacturer, Exporter, Suppliers, Distributor, Trader And Dealer Of HighQuality Pharmaceutical Tablets, Capsules, Gels, Creams, Ointments, Syrups,Suspensions, Injection, Pellets, Nasal Sprays, Lotions, Shampoo, Face wash,Hand wash, Hand Sanitizer, Veterinary Medicines, Dry Powder In Pouch Pack,Surgical And Medicated Soaps.

NIKSAN HEALTHCARE Is An Excellent Combination Of World Class State OfArt Manufacturing, F & D, R & D, Quality Control, Quality Assurance,Marketing And In Depth Management Expertise. We Are Manufacturer, Exporter,Suppliers, Distributor, Trader and Dealer of High Quality PharmaceuticalFinished Formulations. The Values Inspiring All Our Work Are Excellence AndHighly Effectiveness.

NIKSAN HEALTHCARE Works to Improve Patients Quality Of Life And ToRespond To Their Potential Needs. We Carefully Select Our Partners In Order ToMaintain Highest Standards In Technology, Competence, Reliability AndCompetitiveness.

NIKSANHEALTHCARE is prominent of pharmaceutical manufacturer in a field ofPharmaceutical formulation DISULFIRAM 250 MG TABLETS. We aremanufacturer, exporter and supplier of a huge stock DISULFIRAM 250 MGTABLETSin Ankleshwar, Gujarat, India. Our offered DISULFIRAM 250 MGTABLETSis widely appreciated by our clients whichare situated all-round the nation.  We provideDISULFIRAM250 MG TABLETS at mostaffordable prices.

NIKSANHEALTHCARE is manufacturing and exporting DISULFIRAM 250 MGTABLETSfrom last many year in all over Indian states Like Meghalaya, Tamilnadu, Goa, Sikkim,Assam, Punjab, Delhi, Bihar, Kerala, Gujarat, Haryana, Rajasthan, MadhyaPradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Jammu Kashmir Etc.

HEALTHCARE is chief supplier and exporter aswell as manufacturer of in countrieslike

Thisproducts available in different packaging style AluAlu, Pvc Blister and BottlePacking etc.


Disulfiram is used totreat chronic alcoholism. 

Disulfiram is a drugused to support the treatment of chronic alcoholism by producing an acutesensitivity to ethanol.

It causes unpleasanteffects when even small amounts of alcohol are consumed.

Disulfiram works byinhibiting the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, causing many of the effectsof a hangover.

These effects includeflushing of the face, headache, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, weakness, blurredvision, mental confusion, sweating, choking, breathing difficulty, and anxiety.

Common SideEffects

Blurred vision.

Chest pain.


Dizziness orfainting.

Fast or poundingheartbeat.

Flushing or rednessof face.

HOW TO USE: Take medication once or twice a day by orallywith water. To avoid the chance of stomach pain or stomach upset takemedication with food. Take your doctors advice if you have any confusion.


Absorbed completely after oral administration, but 3 to 12hours may be required before effects occur.

Distribution: Highly lipid-soluble and initially localized in adiposetissue.

Metabolism: Mostly oxidized in the liver and excreted in urine as freedrug and metabolites.

Excretion: 5% to 20% is unabsorbed and eliminated in feces. 

PRECAUTIONS: Usevery cautiously in elderly patients and in patients with acute MI, incompleteAV block, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, renal insufficiency, severe pulmonarydisease, hypothyroidism, and in patients with hypokalemia or hypomagnesemia.

STORAGECONDITIONS: Store in cool and dry place,away from direct heat and light. Do not place in bathroom or kitchen. Keep awayfrom the children and pet.








NOTE: Products protected by valid patents arenot offered for sale in countries where the sale of such products constitutes apatent infringement and its liability is at buyer's risk.


* Tips on getting accurate quotes. Please include product name, order quantity, usage, special requests if any in your inquiry.

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