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Bacitracin Zinc Neomycin Polymixin B Sulphate Ointment

Bacitracin Zinc Neomycin Polymixin B Sulphate Ointment

Product Details:


Price And Quantity

  • 100 Piece
  • 25 INR

Trade Information

  • ST
  • Cheque
  • 100 Piece Per Day
  • 1 Months
  • Within a certain price range free samples are available
  • Africa, Middle East, Asia
  • All India
  • FDA

Product Description

NIKSAN HEALTHCARE Is State Of Art, FDCA, ISO 9001: 2015, WHO, GMP, GLP Certified FacilityTo Develop And Manufacture Highly Quality Pharmaceutical Finished Formulations.Niksan Healthcare Is Manufacturer, Exporter, Suppliers, Distributor, Trader AndDealer Of High Quality Pharmaceutical Tablets, Capsules, Gels, Creams,Ointments, Syrups, Suspensions, Injection, Pellets, Nasal Sprays, Lotions,Shampoo, Face wash, Hand wash, Hand Sanitizer, Veterinary Medicines, Dry PowderIn Pouch Pack, Surgical And Medicated Soaps.

NIKSAN HEALTHCARE Is AnExcellent Combination Of World Class State Of Art Manufacturing, F & D, R& D, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Marketing And In Depth ManagementExpertise. We Are Manufacturer, Exporter, Suppliers, Distributor, Trader andDealer of High Quality Pharmaceutical Finished Formulations. The ValuesInspiring All Our Work Are Excellence And Highly Effectiveness.

NIKSAN HEALTHCARE Works toImprove Patients Quality Of Life And To Respond To Their Potential Needs. WeCarefully Select Our Partners In Order To Maintain Highest Standards InTechnology, Competence, Reliability And Competitiveness.

NIKSAN HEALTHCARE is well famous pharmaceuticalmanufacturer in a field of Pharmaceutical formulation for BACITRACIN, ZINC,NEOMYCIN, POLYMYXIN B SULFATE OINTMENT. We aremanufacturer, exporter and supplier of a huge stock of BACITRACIN, ZINC,NEOMYCIN, POLYMYXIN B SULFATE OINTMENTinAnkleshwar, Gujarat, India. Our offered BACITRACIN, ZINC,NEOMYCIN, POLYMYXIN B SULFATE OINTMENTis widelyappreciated by our clients which are situated all-round the nation. We offerBACITRACIN,ZINC, NEOMYCIN, POLYMYXIN B SULFATE OINTMENTmostaffordable prices.

NIKSAN HEALTHCARE is manufacturing andexporting BACITRACIN, ZINC, NEOMYCIN, POLYMYXIN B SULFATE OINTMENTfrom lastmany year in all over Indian states LikeMeghalaya, Tamilnadu, Goa, Sikkim, Assam, Punjab, Delhi, Bihar, Kerala,Gujarat, Haryana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan,Karnataka, Jammu Kashmir Etc.

HEALTHCARE is major supplier andexporter as well as manufacturer of in countrieslike Puerto Rico, Brazil, Honduras, Argentina,Nicaragua, Philippines, Colombia, Guatemala, Uruguay, Mexico, Chile, DominicanRepublic, Panama, South Korea, United States, El Salvador, Venezuela, Taiwan,Indonesia, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Romania, Hong Kong, Thailand, United ArabEmirates, Iraq, Serbia, Spain, Bulgaria, Greece, Pakistan, Hungary, Portugal,Vietnam, Egypt, Iran, Poland, Czechia, Germany, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Canada,United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, Turkey, Italy and many more countries.


This lotion containsBacitracin, Zinc, Neomycin, Polymyxin B sulfate as active ingredient.

Bacitracin is used tohelp prevent minor skin injuries such as cuts, scrapes, and burns from becominginfected.

Zinctopical is used to treat and prevent diaper rash.

It isalso used to protect skin from being irritated and wet caused bydiaper use.

Neomycin is anantibiotic that fights bacteria in the body. 

PolymyxinB is used to treat bacterial infections of the eye includingconjunctivitis. 

Common Side Effects

Thinning or softeningof your skin

Skin rash orirritation around your mouth

Swollen hairfollicles

Temporary hairloss

Spider veins

Changes in color oftreated skin


HOW TO USE: After removing any debris, such as pus or crusts, from theaffected area, apply athin layer of the ointment 2to 5 times daily over the affected area. You may cover the area with dressingor leave it exposed. Do not use the ointment in the eyes.

Absorption: About 3% absorbed after oral use, althoughabsorption is enhanced in patients with impaired GI motility or mucosalintestinal ulcerations. Neomycin isnt absorbed through intact skin; it may beabsorbed from wounds, burns, or skin ulcers.

Crosses theplacental barrier. Oral administration restricts distribution to the GI tract.

Metabolism: Not metabolized.

Excretion: Excretedprimarily in urine by glomerular filtration. Elimination half-life in adults is2 to 3 hours.

PRECAUTIONS: Apply ointments sparingly and only on the areas needed, not all over your body. More medicinecan be absorbed from around skin areas that rub together, like under thebreasts or between the buttocks, so apply very sparingly to these areas.

STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store in cool and dry place, away fromdirect heat and light. Do not place in bathroom or kitchen. Keep away from thechildren and pet.








NOTE: Productsprotected by valid patents are not offered for sale in countries where the saleof such products constitutes a patent infringement and its liability is atbuyer's risk.


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